Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Spinach Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast

According to Sherri of To Simply Inspire, this recipe is a dream.

It makes a gorgeous picture, doesn't it? I decided to be faithful to this recipe up until the wrapping of the bacon. And then I thought, "Well, I could eliminate a few more calories just by skipping the parmesan."  Normally, I wouldn't think of deleting cheese from a recipe but because the rest of the ingredients pretty much spelled F L A V O R, it didn't look like anybody would miss that 1/4 cup. It may have made the filling goo...ier? (sp?) and richer in taste but I hedged bets that the guys wouldn't miss it.

I was right!

I do think it's probably a better idea to keep the bacon (because BACON!) because the chicken dried out a bit in the oven at the recommended temp/time. Next time, I'll wrap them in foil if I don't end up using bacon to keep it moist (and because BACON!)
I'm sorry because I forgot to get a picture of the final product before we sat down to dinner. :c It looked pretty good - just not as good as Sherri's with the bacon.

See? Sherri's Spinach Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts: 503 calories per serving/breast. 
By skipping the bacon and the parmesan cheese on this one, I was able to pull off the entree at 309 calories per serving/breast. I'm sure those ingredients mattered in terms of taste, but skipping them (this one time) made me feel like I was taking care of my people.

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